Our apprentice/helpers
If you have some plumbing experience or just want to get your first taste of the trade, we are always looking for good apprentices. Our goal is to train up skilled quality minded plumbers. We give each new helper/apprentice time to experience working in the trade to see if this type of work is what they want to pursue as a career.
After 6 months to a year in the field if the helper/apprentice and Pete the Plumber both agree it would be a good fit to move forward we enroll our apprentices in Cincinnati Master Plumbers Association’s (CMPA) apprenticeship school. This is a state approved 4 year program that consists of two three hour evening classes per week during the school calendar year. The classes are in addition to your weekly work hours and are required of all apprentices if they want to remain with us at Pete the Plumber.
Pay and Benefits
Our apprentices typically start off at $12 to $16 per hour depending on plumbing and life experience. Pay increases at that point are based on performance and how quickly you pick up the trade. Generally speaking minimum raises would be $1 per hour per school year, with the potential for more. We will always reward hard work and self-motivation with higher pay. Once you become a licensed plumber and we feel your skill level is in line with your certifications, our licensed plumbers minimum wage is $35 per hour plus benefits.
We offer paid vacation, paid holidays, paid sick time, paid health insurance, paid dental insurance, paid schooling, company trucks, company tools, and an opportunity to trained by quality minded licensed plumbers.